2013- Sunset Rowboat
- Fire in the Sky
- Sunny Day
- Snow White in the Swamp
- Skimming the Surface
- Egret Pirouette
- Blue Lagoon
- Great Blue Breakfast
- Beyond the Reeds
- Over the Edge
- Iridescent
- Head in Sand
- Reflection in Blue
- Rock Ledge
- Just Chillin
- Lunge
- LaFayette in Blue
- Into the Pink
- Sunset Egret
- Yesteryear Egret
- Storybook Egret
- Strutting
- Striking Light
- Fly Fishing
- Duality
- My Favorite Moose-Dog
- Birds of a Feather
- Frozen in Time
- Flying Ear Flee
- Moose is Silly for Ice
- Big pup Little pup
- Frosty Puppy Fight
- Sunlight Streams Through Tree to Reach Yesteryear’s Automobile
- Bailey’s Perfect Winter Day
- Fallen Fledgling
- Ready for Take-off
- Bush Cricket
- Blue Dasher Dragonfly
- Blue Dasher Dragonfly
- Bunny Multiplier
- Cottontail
2013- Lady in Red
- Lacewing on my Finger
- Green Dragon
- Ready for Take-off
- Bee Lollipop
- Up in Arms
- Fly Butt
- Green With Envy
- Center Stage
- Spread Your Wings and Fly
- Tiny Dragon
- A Whole Other World
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Ugly Bug Ball
- Blue Leg Boogey Bug
- Creepy, Crawly, Bug-Eyed Beast
- Grasshopper in the Spotlight
- Mantid Fly
- Dragonfly Dancer
- Rainbow Brite Dragonfly
- Blue Dasher Dragonfly
- Bush Cricket
- Lacewing Nymph
- Katydid
- Katydid
- Kadydid
- Assassin Bug vs Dust Bunny
- Assassin vs Dog Fur
Dragonfly Dream